Luck O' the Irish!
Sleepy time!
Wow how time flies by!!!! Jack is 5 weeks old today! Cannot believe how fast this time off is going! I am going to miss him so much during the day when I go back to work, but I know NaNa will be thoroughly enjoying herself at home with her little Grandson. Maddy will join them for the summer when school is out and then Nana and Grandpa will be busy bee's! Jack is doing great! He is quite the little drama boy! He has a noise for EVERYTHING!!! He squeals, grunts, coos, sighs, tries to get a babble out and can also go into a full out "poor me" cry! He makes us laugh with all of his sounds! And I thought having a girl was drama, I think Jack is trumping that idea! He is still eating like a little piggy and gaining weight each day! He likes to wake mommy up at night usually at 1:30 and 5 a.m. I guess he is getting me ready to go back to work with a 5 a.m. alarm! Whew, I think I am going to need some toothpicks to keep my eyes open for the first couple months back to work! We celebrated Maddy's 4th Birthday over the weekend! Cannot believe 4 years ago my precious little girl was brought into this world. What a four years it has been. I have learned more in the past four years than I have my entire life! She is our inspiration and she keeps us very grounded! We took her to ride the train in Hermann park on Saturday. She loves to ride the train and look around at all the kids playing in the park and the trees and flowers! It was a beautiful day!
Happy Birthday Maddy!!! Hope you had a fun time on the train!!