On another note, I cannot believe that I will be 34 weeks this week and Jack's arrival is right around the corner. 2010 flew by and was a very busy year for us. With the new addition to the house and staying so busy with all of the odds and ends with that Thanksgiving and Christmas just snuck up on us! We enjoyed a trip home to MN for Christmas to see many dear family and friends. So it is not a secret, I enjoyed seeing the family and friends MUCH MUCH more than I did the cold weather!!!!!! I must say you can't take the Midwest roots out of a girl but you definitely can get them accustomed to a warmer climate!!!!! I honestly do not think I could survive another MN winter from beginning to end. I know to all my peeps in MN you think I am just a BIG BIG BABY, call it what you will, but you are welcome at The Loehr's anytime from Mid-November to the end of March and you will completely understand what I mean!!!!!!!!! Maddy did fantastic on the drive back home and I have a much better outlook on taking long trips in the car. I was very nervous about the whole traveling thing for 20 hours in a vehicle but we did it old school and made beds in the back and it was like a Mommy and Maddy camp out while Daddy drove and sang songs to us through the wee hours of night!!!
January quickly started after the New Year and I have been diligently working on the nursery. I decided sometime back in the summer that I would sew Jack's bedding for his crib. Well let me tell you that was a great idea at the time. When I had that idea I must have been in a fog of when I would have ANY time to get to this project! Well, I made myself keep my deal and started sewing last week. I have now completed the dust ruffle, crib sheet and bumper pad. I need to do some finishing on the bumper pad and maybe some little projects here and there to add some of the fabric into room in other places. It turned out pretty darn cute minus the many mishaps along the way. I do not pride myself on being a sewing guru. I have great ideas but to follow through and put them into place is a whole entire different story. All-in-all I managed to produce something and am proud I took on the task! The great thing about having a second is that you have so many things from your first that you get to pull out and use again. Each little item I pull out has so many memories from Maddy attached to it. I can't believe she was that little at one time and what different things we were going through with her at those specific moments. We used our baby stuff much longer with Maddy than most children do, so it seems like each piece has more than just a fragment of months. It is more like a journey in that time span that took us through a segment of medical treatment, a certain blanket we would ALWAYS bring to her appointments or how much we used an item to make things a little easier. It is so amazing to pull all that stuff back out and know we will have another little angel making his own moments and memories as Maddy has.
We have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Gubbels and one last ultrasound will be done and we will set an actual date for the c-section. I am so ready to know when he is going to arrive and have a set date in place! I will share as soon as we know the date!!!! I will also get some nursery pics posted when I get a little further a long.......I know I am WAY behind......time is ticking!!!!